


Conan the Bacterium

Art by Breanna Brownson. Conan the Bacterium may be Earth’s most promising astronaut. Named the world’s “toughest organism,” Deinococcus radiodurans—nicknamed Conan—could survive for a whopping

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The Golden Standard

Art by Noora Said. Whether you’re cooking a meal or mixing a drink, chances are that you taste your creation to figure out if it’s

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Gamer Neurons

Art by Malia Kuo. Our brains are a collection of billions of neurons, firing in synchrony to make up the complex organ that is our

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The Strength of Weak Ties

Art by Kara Tao. In 1973, American sociologist Mark Granovetter published a paper that fundamentally changed the field of sociology. The paper, titled “The Strength

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Tiny Transformers

Image Courtesy of Court Johnson. Fans of the cult classic film franchise Terminator remember the iconic scene where the evil robot T-1000 easily passes through

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Climate Checkmate

Image Courtesy of Hannah Shi.  When the World Chess Championships occur, everything is accounted for—the weight of the chess pieces, the matte of the chess

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Magic Mushrooms

Image Courtesy of Kara Tao. People constantly anthropomorphize objects. We look at a chair with two buttons and a line and see a face. We

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Green Peas in Space

Image Courtesy of Hannah Barsouk. You gaze up at the sky on a clear night. The stars, too numerous to count, appear as nothing more

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