A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution
Genetics courses at universities across the country would do well to add Jennifer Doudna’s and Samuel H. Sternberg’s A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and
Genetics courses at universities across the country would do well to add Jennifer Doudna’s and Samuel H. Sternberg’s A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and
What does it mean to live in a world whose technological capabilities are nearly outstripping our comprehension? The new documentary Lo and Behold seeks to find out.
Researchers from Yale University and other institutions, headed by Dr. Victoria McCoy, have unearthed the origins of the Tully Monster, a Carboniferous creature with highly unusual morphology.
Materials inspired by gecko feet gather dust as Yale scientists and conservators team up to preserve fine art.
Because forgery is an art in and of itself, experts may not be able to conclusively prove that a piece is a fake based only on visual examination. Enter the scientist. Using modern-day techniques, including instrumental analysis and imaging, scientists and conservators can do their own detective work in the art world.
Researchers can now identify individuals using data from their fMRI scans alone. This discovery may eventually have implications for the diagnosis of disease.
Rarely do the findings of child development and peace building intersect. Yale researchers are leading a conversation about how interventions targeted to children can create a more peaceful world