


Animal Architects

Image courtesy of Katja Schulz, Flickr. In recent years, conservation and governmental organizations worldwide have devised new strategies for forest restoration, focusing on a variety

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The Virtualization of Our Past

Image Courtesy of Flickr. When walking through a museum or examining historical texts at Beinecke Library, true understanding starts when you can visualize yourself living

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Can You Take the Heat?

Image Courtesy of Jenny Wong. Extreme heat is something we feel acutely. Not to be confused with a sunny day, extreme heat describes those times

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The Molecular Clock

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Famous physicist Albert Einstein once said: “The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

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Expanding Chemistry

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Last August, a collaboration between the Hammes-Schiffer and Mayer groups at Yale and researchers from the Hammarström group at Uppsala

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Hummingbirds: Masters of Color

Image courtesy of Pixabay. What comes to mind when you think of hummingbirds? You might think of their rapid heart rate. Or maybe their lightning-fast

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Solving the Unsolvable

Image courtesy of iStock. Have you ever wondered about the math behind a radio signal? Or telephones? Scientists who study electromagnetic physics and mathematics constantly

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Repurposing the Urban Forest

Image courtesy of Flickr. Trees in urban areas contribute to pollution control and enhance biodiversity. But what happens to dead leaves, fallen branches, and other

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